Plus One

Pig & Barley #3

Mae Wood


Contemporary Romance, Chick Lit


I received an advanced reader copy of this eBook in exchange for an honest review.



After several attempts of writing my own version of the blurb, I decided to just provide you with Mae’s. Nothing I write can even come close to her awesome blurb!

If you can stand the heat, there’s a lickable single dad in the kitchen.

1 part tatted-up single dad restaurateur

1 part effervescent younger wine rep

Spice generously with sexual tension

Combine at a foodie conference

Serve steaming hot


I have been eagerly awaiting this book since I finished Borrowing Trouble. I listed it as one of the books I wanted to read in 2017. And it’s here! When I finally sat down to read Plus One, I swore that I would read just the first chapter and then I would prepare for the house inspection. Of course I have no self-control and proceeded to read a chapter then do a bit of cleaning and that carried on for the entire day. I tried my hardest to stay up and finish it that night but my body betrayed me. The next morning though, I was finished and eager to share with the world.


This novel can be read as the third installment of the Pig & Barley series or it can be read as a standalone novel. In my honest opinion, this is Mae’s best book yet. Don’t be mistaken about the genre. It isn’t instant love. It isn’t about a woman giving up everything for the man she falls in love with. This book blows your expectations out of the water.


Plus One was hard to put down. The sex scenes were perfect, as is Mae’s style, they are just right. Not overboard, not underdone. It was realistic and sexy. Her characters have real growth and are adorable and relatable. I loved Drennan in particular. I didn’t think I could love one of Mae’s characters more than I loved Marisa, but I do. It is clear that Mae puts 150% into her characters.

I absolutely love that Marisa and Trip’s story was continued slightly in Plus One. It was exciting and added a level of familiarity to the story. I really felt as if I knew the characters on a personal level. I love the element of mystery that Mae adds to her books. Not a full-blown mystery but just that little something extra. In Plus One it is someone fraudulently labeling wine as Drennan’s family’s famous wine.

I am incredibly eager to read the next installment of Pig & Barley.

My recommendation: You must read this book. Even if you haven’t read any of the other Pig & Barley books, you must read this book.

Cai xx