In With The New

Tracy Krimmer


Contemporary Romance

NBRC Holiday Treats Reading Challenge




Meg is an incredibly busy woman. She has a to do list a mile long and has no time for anything but cannot resist adding more to her list. When she adopts a puppy that she has no control over she tries a walk in the park where she meets Eli, a successful puppy trainer.

I loved this novella! Tracy Krimmer has a way of writing characters that I completely relate to. Meg is someone I completely empathized with as I too load my to do list beyond belief. I love that Eli has his own issues too, a mess with his family, that makes the story more believable and realistic.

I love that the story is centered around dogs. It brings beautiful warmth to the story. There is nothing like puppy love. There is a great message too about how you need to persist with a puppy, you should never just give up on them because they are hard work.

If you haven’t read any Tracy Krimmer, you need to. Her characters are well thought out, stories are realistic and have real meaning behind them and her writing style is so easy to read.

My recommendation: A perfect way to bring in the New Year.

Cai xx